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Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute

Podiatrists & Foot & Ankle Surgeon located in Del City, OK

Neuropathy leads to nerve damage that can cause unbearable pain, numbness, and tingling. Before living with neuropathy another day, find out how the leading podiatrists at Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute in  Del City can help you. The skilled podiatry team specializes in advanced neuropathy solutions that can particularly benefit diabetic patients, so you can get relief once and for all. Book your neuropathy evaluation online or  over the phone.

Neuropathy Q & A

What causes neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a chronic condition that leads to damage of your nerves. One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes since frequent blood sugar spikes can affect delicate nerve tissue. Medical experts estimate that about half of men and women with diabetes develop neuropathy. You can also wind up with neuropathy due to:

  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Nerve trauma or pressure
  • Abnormal growths

Sometimes, inherited disorders or even vitamin deficiencies can lead to permanent nerve damage, too. No matter what’s causing your neuropathy, it’s important to understand when it’s time to see a doctor and get started on treatment before nerve damage worsens.


What are the symptoms of neuropathy?

Neuropathy can lead to a wide variety of symptoms, depending on which nerves are affected. Some of the most common issues associated with neuropathy include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Loss of balance
  • Changes in foot shape
  • Prickly or burning sensations

To make matters worse, because neuropathy leads to nerve tissue damage, when you develop a foot wound or ulcer, you might not be able to feel it. If you have diabetes, a seemingly minor wound that you might be unaware of can easily become infected if left untreated.

Peripheral neuropathy specifically affects nerves in your feet, legs, hands, and arms. But this serious disorder can also affect nerves that regulate autonomic nervous system functions, including your bowels and bladder functions. Before your neuropathy continues to progress, schedule an evaluation at Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute.


How is neuropathy treated?

The podiatry team at Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute specializes in neuropathy and lower extremity complications, especially issues associated with diabetes. Your neuropathy treatment plan may include:

  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
  • Medications to relieve symptoms
  • Topical numbing creams
  • Physical therapy

If you have a foot wound, your dedicated podiatrist at Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute also provides comprehensive wound care. They can gently remove damaged skin, treat any underlying infection directly or prescribe antibiotic medications, and bandage your foot wound. Sometimes off-loading — to take pressure off a wound — with diabetic shoes or custom orthotic inserts can also help with both neuropathy and wound discomfort.

Schedule your neuropathy evaluation at Oklahoma Foot and Ankle Institute today. Click on the online scheduler or call your closest clinic to book.